I've always wanted an exclusive seat at the table, Whatever table! Just so I can feel like I belong, But that has proven to come at a cost, A snare. Compromise, one too many times, Losing myself in the hands of others, Just to feel something, But I woke up, I said no to that thing!
And now, Within me, I have a mighty seat at a table, My throne, Where I dine alone, Watching all the pain, colorfully painted on my walls. Monsters lurking on the dark corners, Beautifully turned into friends. Wrongfully triggered, They can get precarious, So, I let them observe from a distance, Because this throne is mine!
Within me is my home, And light took over. Occasionally though, darkness comes out to play, Testing her ability to subdue light. To them, it is one or the other! But this is my home, So, I've taught them to beautifully co-exist. Light may be stronger, But she would not be here, If not for darkness.
So, I said to them, "Listen, this is my home! In darkness and light, This throne is mine. Losing either of you to the other, That is a compromise, To a firmly laid foundation, Of this place I love to call home."
"…you must find a balance, Like yin and yang, You must not oppose the other, Embrace each other, That way you form a greater whole, And when I'm sinking into a hole, I'll need you to pull me out whole, For this home, To keep this throne safe. It must not collapse, because finally, I have a seat at a table, Where I don't have to compromise who I Am!”
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