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mindful state of being: Chapter 1

Break free from the constant need to chase something outside of yourself to feel worthy, connected and/or happy. You will see that the only constant happiness there is, is the only one that emanates from within. Other people and personal achievements can only add to your state of being; but should never take sole responsibility for it, because then, you give away control. A mindful state of being is where one is in complete alignment with the Cosmos. In this state, it is clear that we are all part of an entity bigger than our disillusioned individuality. In a mindful state of being, there's that blissful feeling of oneness; feeling connected and in great harmony.

mindful ways to curb indecisiveness and perfectionism

Don’t be too hard on yourself- I’m not saying you won’t make some decisions you’ll whine about later because you might; I’m just saying, if that happens, breathe in-breathe out and focus on what’s within your control. Can you change the decision or its outcome? If yes, then hurray for you- but if not, try some damage control approaches. Always focus your energy on thoughts that propel you forward;


When night falls, the moon takes on the stage. The stars sparkle in rhythm, as if dancing to a fine tune produced by the moon.


What is it about loneliness that makes you forget your worth? What is it about loneliness that makes you want to pretend that it’s worthy even when it’s eating you up from the inside-out? Corroding your self-worth, putting you off-balance. Always look within, because you have the answers. If you’re going to fuse your energy with someone, make sure they match your energy. Until you’ve had it poisoned and thrown off-balance, you won’t really understand how important it is to protect your energy.